About me
About me
My name is Sandra Borràs Closa and when I was little I told my mother: “Mom, when I grow up I want to be a doctor“. This, and my curiosity about alchemy, led me to study Chemical Sciences, a degree that I left halfway because I felt absence about the human soul, Nature as a living being or the links from the deep and intimate of our being.
I graduated in Psychology, and I walked through the same crossroads… which in the 2nd year of university I began to explore, train and put myself in the hands of therapeutic approaches, holistic health and exploration of consciousness, presence, family lineages or human relationships that, now, resonated with my body, my mind, my heart and my being.
It will be a pleasure to meet us.
After living in Lisbon, traveling through El Salvador, Honduras and Mexico, touring half of Europe and a good part of the Iberian Peninsula, islands included, I arrived in Ibiza.
Plan: stay 2 months to delve into a transformative holistic growth process through art. Reality: I stayed 7 years living on the island.
It was at this stage that my annual trips to the Amazon of Peru began, to the “selvita de mi corazón”.
Four years ago, Life, its magic and synchronicities brought me back to Catalonia, the land where I was born, both myself and my family lineages. And here I am, happy to meet you and accompany you in your process.
Transpersonal orientation psychologist (Col. no. 25933 – COPC)
I began my transpersonal path 17 years ago, specifically with holotropic breatwork, dance and singing.
I began my healing processes and learning traditional indigenous medicine (between the Amazon of Peru and Europe) 13 years ago.
Integrative Humanist Therapist for 12 years, with extensive Gestalt training (Gestalt and dreams, child-youth Gestalt and adult Gestalt).
I was part of the Cercle Gestalt – Espai TCI Ibiza team.
I was part of the “Integration and Support Services” in ICEERS.
I coordinated a pioneering clinical trial of psilocybin for major depression in Barcelona, at the Hospital Sant Joan de Déu.
Trained in Phytiotherapy by ISMET – Higher Institute of Traditional Medicines.
Yoga practitioner for more than 10 years.
Zen meditation practitioner.
- Ponencia en la III World Ayahuasca Conference sobre “Medicinas tradicionales indígenas para los trastornos de la conducta alimentaria” – Junio 2019
- Entrevista sobre “Psicoterapia, Medicinas Enteógenas y Trastornos Alimentarios” para PsicoCymática, plataforma virtual de Astrología, Psicología y Conciencia – Noviembre 2019
- Artículo en “Ulises 22, Revista de viajes interiores”: “Cuerpos almados y libres: donde sinergias y albores pueden suceder” (pág. 44 a 59) – Diciembre 2020